Color Business Card Printing. 5 Points in Scrutinizing a Color Business Card Printing Company. The Cheapskate's Guide to Budget Color Business Cards. Is Printing Four Color Business Cards Worth It?

Is Printing Four Color Business Cards Worth It?

Is Printing Four Color Business Cards Worth It?

Are you fiddling with the questions about the worth of having four color business cards printed? Do not worry. Lots of people go through this phase whenever they print business cards.

This is because there are distinct advantages and disadvantages of this marketing material that are hard to reconcile. In this small guide, we will teach you if your marketing material was worth it and break the deadlock in comparison.

What is a 4-color business card?

This type of marketing material is basically a card that has been printed according to the process of four color printing. The colors Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and black are slowly added and combined in a print out to make very good photo-realistic images and designs. This is one of the best standard practices for color business card printing.

What are its advantages?

There are two major advantages in full color business card printing.

Print full quality images or photographs

The first and most obvious advantage of this marketing collateral is in the images or photographs. You can pretty much print any kind of color image or design element in them and it should come out great. Whatever color or hue of your design can be effectively printed out when you request for print in this color mode.

Impressive Look

In addition, since these materials have the ability to display quality images this means that your business card can have a better impact on to people when compared to others. Imagine giving away business contacts your four color business cards.

When he or she compares it with the other boring business cards printed in white paper it is immediately apparent who he or she will contact and risk the business opportunity. This is because color business cards are very memorable and it can project a certain kind of professionalism that people expect.

What are its disadvantages?

Now we go on to the disadvantages.

More expensive
Of course, as you would expect four color business card printing is no cakewalk. To get those very realistic images you will need to spend some money in business card printing. Therefore, you should think about it first if you are willing to spend the extra money in four color business card printing.

Easy alternatives

Finally, another disadvantage of is that there are other easily available and more economical alternatives to it. For example, you can try to just use one or two pure colors in your business card and go black and white for the rest. This gives you a nice color to bring life to designs, while eliminating the need to pay the high cost of four color printing. In the end for some situations, four color printing can be superfluous.

So are you going for four color? On the other hand, do you want to use cheaper alternatives. It is all up to your budget and preferences so decide wisely.

Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of the developments in color business cards or print business cards.

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