Color Business Card Printing. 5 Points in Scrutinizing a Color Business Card Printing Company. The Cheapskate's Guide to Budget Color Business Cards. Is Printing Four Color Business Cards Worth It?

The Cheapskate's Guide to Budget Color Business Cards

The Cheapskate's Guide to Budget Color Business Cards

In the slowing global economy being a cheapskate is not only being widely accepted, it is thought of as prudent and wise. Besides, cheapskate is just another term for being a pragmatic budget planner. In addition, in a pragmatic budget cost cutting for business card printing is an option for some businesses.

Color business card printing is a relatively expensive enterprise. Most people want high quality color business cards to represent themselves and their business. However, the essential point of a business card is to create a contact. So if you are in a budget your goal must be this first. You can sacrifice on some other aspects of your business card to achieve this goal and still be cost effective.

Below is the cheapskate's guide to printing budget color business cards. It will tell you on what you can sacrifice on to get a cost effective but still very useful and decent business card.

Sacrifice some paper quality
Paper, especially card paper stock will always cost a significant amount. To save some money on the paper quality you can lose either some weight or thickness on your card, or you can also lose some of its glossy properties. If you lose UV filters or glossy finishes, you will save a significant amount of money. You may lose some of the professional looking finish but it should be worth it because of the savings. If you lose the paper's thickness, you might be sacrificing some durability. Do this only if you really need the extra money.

You do not have to be very cheap however. If you were using very high-end quality paper in the past, maybe just go down one notch and use some medium quality paper. This will still save you some bucks.

Loose some extra colors
Most printers charge extra for each extra color you include in your color business cards. If your design has all the colors of the rainbow, it might be prudent to remove some of the colors, Use only your main color themes for your business card. It is wise to use one or two colors at the most especially if you are in a budget.

Eliminate some special details
If your older business cards were scented, had special textures and other special accents, it might be prudent to lose these extra special details on your next color business card printing. These special details add an extra cost to your business card that is not that essential. Yes, this might make the business card lose some of its edge, but you can compensate for that with an original design.

Compensate by using a unique layout or design
Lastly, once you have sacrificed some custom business card properties, you can compensate for the reduced quality by creating a unique layout or design. Remember that the main goal of a business card is to establish a business contact.

Therefore, if you create a nice and unique layout and design for your business card, the other properties of the card will not really matter. If the receiver of the card immediately responds to your layout and design then your mission will be accomplished. No need to spend more on business card printing that you have to.

Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of the developments in color business card printing or color business cards industry.

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