Color Business Card Printing For Full Color Business Card Online Printing

Color Business Card Printing. 5 Points in Scrutinizing a Color Business Card Printing Company. The Cheapskate's Guide to Budget Color Business Cards. Is Printing Four Color Business Cards Worth It?

Business Card Printing Services

Business Card Printing Services

The simple black and white business card has metamorphosed into designer versions. Unusual business cards are made from wood, plastic, metal, magnets, glass, or handmade paper. And some are printed in four colors while others are made using embedding or imprint technology. The purpose is to be unique and different, and make a lasting impression.

Depending on your thoughts, budget, design, and needs, a business card service will tell you what kind of printing your card will need. They offer die-cut business cards, embossed cards, CMYK full color printing, bi-fold business cards, or thermograph print cards—different processes that produce varied results.

Most business card printing services will provide in-house design services if you let them have all the information you need on the card. Otherwise, you could design your business card yourself by using the online card design services. Print providers like GreatFX business cards offer a complete online design studio with which you can create a business card in minutes, using your web browser.

Printers today are innovative. They club together to offer online business card printing services which offers a free estimate if you fill in a questionnaire. The questionnaire will go to different card printers, and the ones who can do the job will get in touch with you. There are other online sites where clients can post projects for which printers can place bids—the same concept like elance or

For a world-class product you need to ensure that you scan logos and other images in eps or bmp format. Specify how many cards you need, what kind of paper, black and white or color, whether it should be coated, whether you need a proof, and when you need the cards delivered.

Be wise and do your homework well. Contact at least three business card printing services. Comparison shopping is good business sense, not a waste of time. Check the reliability of the printers. Find out if anyone you know has used the service. Read up on design and how one can use a template to design a professional-looking, unique card. Seek the help of a computer-savvy friend or colleague, and find out if designing your own card is as easy as it sounds.

Your business card represents you—it is your brand ambassador, so think before you leap. When it doubt, just choose a classy style instead of shiny brass or psychedelic varieties.

Printing Services provides detailed information on Printing Services, Scanning And Printing Services, Digital Printing Services, Business Card Printing Services and more. Printing Services is affiliated with Check Printing Company [].

Written By: Thomas_Morva

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Color Business Card Printing

Color Business Card Printing

One effective way of making your business cards look more professional is using colors on your card. There are different ways to add color to your card. You can use one color as the background of your card or add colored graphics or photos. Putting your photo on a business card can make it easier for your potential clients to remember you and your company because they are able to associate your face with your company. However, there are also some disadvantages to putting your photo on your business card, such as higher costs.

Advantages of photos

If you are in the real estate business or in any "relationship" business, putting your photo on your card can build trust between you and your potential client because it allows the client to get acquainted with you in a non-threatening way. Another advantage is that photos help the client recognize you during meetings and clarify ambiguous names. Adding a photo to your card can also make your card more interesting because it adds an extra dimension to an otherwise plain card.


One disadvantage of putting a photo on your business card is that you become vulnerable to pre-judging from potential clients based on how you look in the picture, your attire, or your age. Another disadvantage is that you must always keep your cards updated with a fairly recent picture. An old photo can give the impression that your card is not usually distributed, which can mean that there is not much demand for your business. One of the biggest disadvantages of including a photo on your business card is the added cost that comes with it, as you are using color and there is a need to update and reprint the card often.

Putting your photo on your business card can be an effective marketing tool. It increases awareness about your business because of name and face recall. Although there are some disadvantages to using photos, all you need to do is plan the layout and carefully choose the photo that you use, as this is a great part of the lasting impression you leave on potential clients.

Business Card Printing provides detailed information on Business Card Printing, Online Business Card Printing, Business Card Printing Services, Color Business Card Printing and more. Business Card Printing is affiliated with Free Business Cards.

Written By: Seth_Miller

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5 Points in Scrutinizing a Color Business Card Printing Company

5 Points in Scrutinizing a Color Business Card Printing Company

Color business card printing plays an integral part in promoting your business. A good business card means a good chance of getting a potential customer to actually give you a call and try out your product or service.

Scrutinizing Printing Companies

Choosing a printing service may really be stressful especially if you've been bombarded with all these printing companies offering the same service and marketing the same products. Any one with a printer could easily say that they provide excellent service but you should be very cautious if an offer seems too good to be true, because more often - it's not.

Whether you're still looking or you have already chosen a printing company for your project, you still need to be familiar on how these companies work so you can make full-use of their service. Here are a couple of suggestions that you may want to consider before securing your order:

1. Don't Rush.

As what our mothers would always say to us. Rush jobs or overnight printing jobs more often than not could lead to poor print jobs or cause further delay. Look for a business card printing company early on with sufficient time before events such as product launching or grand opening.

This will give you enough time to study your print samples or decide with more caution which design to go with for your business cards.

Overnight printing leaves little room to make adjustments. So make sure your files and design are in good order, whether you are rushing your business cards or not.

2. Compare Prices.

Try to call more than one printing company and get pricing quotes for your project. Contemplate on which company could provide you with the best deal.

But just make sure that you have seen the companies' print samples so you wouldn't have any problems with the print quality, especially when you've settled with the company which has the better offer.

3. What is the Better Offer?

Know just how or what advantages it would bring you to work with a printer. Will you be needing specific services? Are you concerned about your budget? Are you looking for assistance in terms of design? Are you going to prioritize color and print quality?

Knowing your priorities will help you determine just which printer to choose. In this day and age, sometimes, the printing cost along doesn't quite cut it. The solutions and services you seek should be aligned to your own needs.

4. Ask for Options.

Once you have contacted a printing company, supply them with your detailed project and they in-turn would provide you with an outline of their expert printing solutions.

You should not be afraid to ask for questions. Ask for options. Ask what other choices they could provide for a cheaper cost. And ask them whenever there's something that is confusing or unclear to you. Everything should be crystal clear before you close a deal with them. And lastly, ask for discounts.

5. Ensure your project.

If you're dealing with a color business card printing company online, you have to make sure that your business cards are not printed until you have seen the final proof. You should also make sure that they would provide you a status or an update regarding your project. This is to avoid or at least minimize error that could cause further delay and maybe additional costs.

Loves to read and talk anything under the sun. From current events, magazines, social life, metro lifestyles, traveling etc. Not a born writer but experience could make a difference. He also loves to eat especially travel in different places. Going to beaches and mountains really completes his life.

For more inquiries kindly visit Color Business Card Printing

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The Cheapskate's Guide to Budget Color Business Cards

The Cheapskate's Guide to Budget Color Business Cards

In the slowing global economy being a cheapskate is not only being widely accepted, it is thought of as prudent and wise. Besides, cheapskate is just another term for being a pragmatic budget planner. In addition, in a pragmatic budget cost cutting for business card printing is an option for some businesses.

Color business card printing is a relatively expensive enterprise. Most people want high quality color business cards to represent themselves and their business. However, the essential point of a business card is to create a contact. So if you are in a budget your goal must be this first. You can sacrifice on some other aspects of your business card to achieve this goal and still be cost effective.

Below is the cheapskate's guide to printing budget color business cards. It will tell you on what you can sacrifice on to get a cost effective but still very useful and decent business card.

Sacrifice some paper quality
Paper, especially card paper stock will always cost a significant amount. To save some money on the paper quality you can lose either some weight or thickness on your card, or you can also lose some of its glossy properties. If you lose UV filters or glossy finishes, you will save a significant amount of money. You may lose some of the professional looking finish but it should be worth it because of the savings. If you lose the paper's thickness, you might be sacrificing some durability. Do this only if you really need the extra money.

You do not have to be very cheap however. If you were using very high-end quality paper in the past, maybe just go down one notch and use some medium quality paper. This will still save you some bucks.

Loose some extra colors
Most printers charge extra for each extra color you include in your color business cards. If your design has all the colors of the rainbow, it might be prudent to remove some of the colors, Use only your main color themes for your business card. It is wise to use one or two colors at the most especially if you are in a budget.

Eliminate some special details
If your older business cards were scented, had special textures and other special accents, it might be prudent to lose these extra special details on your next color business card printing. These special details add an extra cost to your business card that is not that essential. Yes, this might make the business card lose some of its edge, but you can compensate for that with an original design.

Compensate by using a unique layout or design
Lastly, once you have sacrificed some custom business card properties, you can compensate for the reduced quality by creating a unique layout or design. Remember that the main goal of a business card is to establish a business contact.

Therefore, if you create a nice and unique layout and design for your business card, the other properties of the card will not really matter. If the receiver of the card immediately responds to your layout and design then your mission will be accomplished. No need to spend more on business card printing that you have to.

Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of the developments in color business card printing or color business cards industry.

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Is Printing Four Color Business Cards Worth It?

Is Printing Four Color Business Cards Worth It?

Are you fiddling with the questions about the worth of having four color business cards printed? Do not worry. Lots of people go through this phase whenever they print business cards.

This is because there are distinct advantages and disadvantages of this marketing material that are hard to reconcile. In this small guide, we will teach you if your marketing material was worth it and break the deadlock in comparison.

What is a 4-color business card?

This type of marketing material is basically a card that has been printed according to the process of four color printing. The colors Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and black are slowly added and combined in a print out to make very good photo-realistic images and designs. This is one of the best standard practices for color business card printing.

What are its advantages?

There are two major advantages in full color business card printing.

Print full quality images or photographs

The first and most obvious advantage of this marketing collateral is in the images or photographs. You can pretty much print any kind of color image or design element in them and it should come out great. Whatever color or hue of your design can be effectively printed out when you request for print in this color mode.

Impressive Look

In addition, since these materials have the ability to display quality images this means that your business card can have a better impact on to people when compared to others. Imagine giving away business contacts your four color business cards.

When he or she compares it with the other boring business cards printed in white paper it is immediately apparent who he or she will contact and risk the business opportunity. This is because color business cards are very memorable and it can project a certain kind of professionalism that people expect.

What are its disadvantages?

Now we go on to the disadvantages.

More expensive
Of course, as you would expect four color business card printing is no cakewalk. To get those very realistic images you will need to spend some money in business card printing. Therefore, you should think about it first if you are willing to spend the extra money in four color business card printing.

Easy alternatives

Finally, another disadvantage of is that there are other easily available and more economical alternatives to it. For example, you can try to just use one or two pure colors in your business card and go black and white for the rest. This gives you a nice color to bring life to designs, while eliminating the need to pay the high cost of four color printing. In the end for some situations, four color printing can be superfluous.

So are you going for four color? On the other hand, do you want to use cheaper alternatives. It is all up to your budget and preferences so decide wisely.

Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of the developments in color business cards or print business cards.

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